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Air National Guard Weapon Racks

As a manufacturer, we supply MILSPEC Weapon Storage systems to meet the requirements of the military. Please contact us for any quick ship requirements necessary to store your weapons and gear properly in your forward or fixed arms rooms.

Combat Weapon Racks come standard with 8 internal lock rods and have either one or two pad-lock hasps on the exterior depending on the rack model.

Available in 3 heights with assigned National Stock Numbers, Combat Weapon Racks can be configured as stacked weapon racks, mid-tier height or full height to meet mission needs in critical spaces.

Air National Guard Armories are established in all 50 states, three territories and in the District of Columbia. Air National Guard has both state and federal missions, reporting to the governor of their respective state or territory.

Combat Weapon Racks protect and properly store weapons within National Guard arms rooms meeting AR 190-11.

Arms Room Physical Security

Physical security is the backbone for armories. Ensuring that sensitive serialized gear is properly locked away properly keeps arms rooms in compliance with DOD physical security requirements for storage of small arms.

While security is absolutely paramount, workflow in arms rooms is often ignored leading to cramped spaces for armorers to store and retrieve weapons and gear. Aisles should be no less than 36″ W for access and even wider if there is enough floor space to allow for it.

We detailed the differences in arms rooms configurations in our How to Build An Armory series for Fixed Weapon Racks v Mobile Weapon Racks. Fixed weapon racks are great for smaller arms rooms that have ample floor space and do not need increased storage capacity. Mobile Weapon Racks are great for arms rooms that have too much gear to store in the armory or where the armory needs to open up floor space for other mission needs.

Combat Weapon Storage has implemented both fixed weapon rack systems and Mobile Weapon Rack systems for Air National Guard armories. A free site survey can help determine whether static weapon racks or a carriage system are necessary in the armory.

Air National Guard Weapon Racks

Combat Weapon Racks are easiest to procure through the Federal Supply System as a Class IX item. With 50 approved National Stock Numbers, Combat Weapon Storage Combat Weapon Racks has an immediate answer to storage and security in arms rooms. NSN Weapon Racks from Combat Weapon Storage Systems can be loaded without having to be field certified by a physical security officer. The weapon racks must be bolted to the floor, wall or side to side with adjacent racks to meet the 500 lb requirement.

Combat Weapon Storage Systems are ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 manufactured, offering the highest quality manufacturing standards in the industry.

Both our 9 & 10 point locking system weapon racks are TACOM approved for use in armories and exceed AR 190-11, MCO 5530.14A, OPNAVINST 5530.13C & DOD 5100.76.

The weapon rack kits linked to this page will have the appropriate NSNs provided as well as a description and the size of the weapon rack provided and storage capacity. There are physical PDF cut sheets at the bottom of each specific rack page that can be downloaded to help assess your requirement v the weapons and gear to be stored.

Rifles, light and medium machine guns are all stored with common components that can be adjusted or reconfigured based on your MTOE.

Heavy weapons are configured with heavy weapon bases and wider barrel saddles to properly support the barrels of those weapons.

NSN Weapon Racks can be purchased via GCSS-Army or other Defense Supply channels.

Call, email or fill out our contact form for a free survey of your arms room.

Combat Weapon Storage Systems have designed armories for all branches of military.
Let us help you build, organize and expand your arms room to be ready for action.


Contact us now for more information!

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