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Armory Management
  • How do armorers keep track of sensitive serialized items inside of arms rooms?
  • How long do full inventories take inside your armory?
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Armory Weapon Tracking Software for armories allows arms rooms total control over inventory. Most armories use paper receipts or weapon cards for checking in and out weapons from the armory. Having instant audit trail capabilities with software changes how armories manage sensitive serialized items.

From tracking specific item data, weapon, butt number, serial number, attachments to weapons and then tracking information on users receiving weapons including weapon certifications, authorizations for specific controlled items and the ability to add personnel to the Do Not Arm list when needed.

Our software changes how armories perform daily tasks.

Lost or misplaced weapons should never happen, but with paper hand receipts or weapon cards, audit trails aren’t as easy to manage.

The ability to walk throughout an armory with a portable RFID reader and fully inventory all items is a powerful tool for armorers. Inventories can literally be completed within minutes or possibly under a minute depending on the size of the armory.

Armory Weapon Tracking Software with bar code allows weapons and gear to be manually scanned in and out of the armory. RFID Weapon Tracking Software allows items to be scanned passively using passive radio frequency technology.

  • Check in/Check out weapons
  • Full Audit Trail of inventory items and users activity
  • Fixed and Portable RFID and Bar Code Readers
  • Doorway and Window RFID portals
  • Permission based features within software
  • Custom System Reports available
  • Add users to “Do Not Arm” list
  • Track user weapon certifications for specific items
Additional Features
  • Secure your facility with portals at doorways and armory issue windows
  • Scan CAC cards or cards to check out items
  • eSignature tablets or thumbprint readers available to sign items out
  • Software trackable and searchable fields are fully end user configurable
  • Touchscreen monitors available at issue windows show items as they are checked in or out of a transaction
  • Software is available as server based or browser based as needed

Page ID: 5939

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