AT4 Weapon Racks
The M136 AT4 is a lightweight self-contained anti-tank weapon. Primarily used by infantry forces, the M136 AT4 is a recoilless rifle, shooting an 84mm High Explosive Anti-Armor warhead.
M136 AT4s are found in arms rooms in the Navy, Marines and Army. Trainer units are more common in arms rooms than live fire versions.
Combat Weapon Storage Systems fully slotted back panel and individually adjustable barrel saddles allow for reconfiguration of barrel saddle height settings for efficient AT4 weapon storage. AT4s can be stored vertically, 4 weapons per vertical tier or 8 total AT4s in our 85″ H full height Combat Weapon Racks.
Given the diameter of the M136 AT4 launch tube, adjustable right and left side barrel saddles secure the launcher tube inside of the weapon rack.
The components pictured to store AT4s are not included with any of our NSN weapon rack configurations, however Combat Weapon Holders and Combat Barrel Saddles could be used to block in the base and sides of the launch tubes if necessary.
AT4s can be stored in fixed Combat Weapon Racks or on Mobile Weapon Rack Systems with weapon racks installed on top of carriages that create collapsible aisles.
AT4 weapon racks are available via local purchase and other purchasing methods to acquire Combat Weapon Racks.