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NSN M2 MK19 M4 Weapon Cabinet

CWR36 model Combat Weapon Racks store any combination of 4 M2 .50 cal machine guns or 4 MK19 grenade launchers with 12 M4s above.

CWR37 model Combat Weapon Racks store any combination of 4 M2 .50 cal machine guns or 4 MK19 grenade launchers, 1 crew served weapon and 14 M4s above.

CWR36 & CWR37 are designed to store heavy weapons including M2s, MK19s, MK47s, Carl Gustavs, M252 mortars & other like heavy weapon systems with the use of a heavy weapon base and either 12 or 14 M4s above.

  • CWR36 Rack Capacity: Any combination of 4 total heavy weapons including: M2s with 8 spare barrels, MK19s, MK47s, Carl Gustavs, M252s & 12 M4s above
  • CWR37 Rack Capacity: Any combination of 4 total heavy weapons including: M2s with 8 spare barrels, MK19s, MK47s, Carl Gustavs, M252s, 1 crew served weapon or 4 MK44 miniguns & 14 M4s above
  • Rack includes 4 leveling feet & anchor holes to secure to floor
  • Rack includes slotting to bolt racks side to side and bolt to the wall or to bolt two cabinets back to back
  • 8 internal lock rods
  • Reverse Bi-Fold Doors (doors do not obstruct aisles)
  • TACOM certified, Rack meets & exceeds AR 190-11, OPNAVINST 5530.13C, DOD 5100.76-M & MCO 5530.14A
  • NSN: 1095-01-620-5591
    • PN: CWR36
    • 85″ H x 36″ W x 15″ D
    • 9 point locking system


  • NSN: 1095-01-620-5764
    • PN: CWR37
    • 85″ H x 42″ W x 15″ D
    • 9 point locking system
NSN M2 MK19 M4 Weapon Cabinet - Heavy Weapon Storage
NSN M2 MK19 M4 Weapon Cabinet Configurations

CWR36 Weapon Rack 1095-01-620-5591

CWR36 is our NSN M2 MK19 M4 Weapon Cabinet featuring storage of up to 4 heavy weapons including M2HB .50 cal machine guns with 8 spare barrels, MK19s, MK47s, Carl Gustavs, M252 mortars or 3 MK44 miniguns with 12 M4s above.

 For more information:  Combat Weapon Storage – NSN Weapon Rack – CWR36



CWR37 Weapon Rack 1095-01-620-5764

CWR37 is our NSN M2 MK19 M4 Weapon Cabinet featuring storage of up to 4 heavy weapons including M2HB .50 cal machine guns with 8 spare barrels, MK19s, MK47s, Carl Gustavs, M252 mortars with 1 crew served weapon (M240, M249, M110, MK13, MK17) or 4 MK44 miniguns with 14 M4s above.

 For more information: Combat Weapon Storage – NSN Weapon Rack – CWR37

If you need a shorter rack height to fit under ceiling obstructions CLICK HERE for our 76″ Weapon Rack:

NSN M2 MK19 Mid Tier Weapon Cabinet

Page ID: 7647